I arrived on Saturday,November 16 th. Here is my deranged selfy after flight, at Grand Central Station!

Sooo good to see my Granchildren. Elsa is on the move now!
It's Sunday and we decide to go for a walk on the High Line. The High Line is a one mile NYC park built on 1.45 mile section of the elevated former NY Central Railroad spur called the West Side Line, which runs along the lower west side. It has been redesigned and planted as an aerial greenway. It is totally awesome and we all loved it. We started at 30th Street
Grandma and Jacob.
Grandma Jippy with Elsa, Tommy and Jacob.
Lots of places to sit, run and Jump. The boys loved finding the old railroad ties.
A painting of Clothes Pins along the way.

Jacob looks down on city streets.
Tommy stops to smell the flowers!
It's fall in New York. I thought it might be winter. I'm thrilled to see the yellow, red and brown leaves in the city.

Helping Mama make dinner.
Back home the boys help to make the dinner salad. I'm so proud of them.
Monday morning and I catch the 9:53 off-peak train into the city to The Jewish Museum to see the Chagall exhibit.
"Chagall-Love,War and Exile". The exhibit starts with his work in Paris, Marriage to Bella, the war and fleeing to the US. These were troubled years for Marc Chagall. Bella died suddenly in New York. He soon had a new relationship with Virginia and moved to High Falls, New York.
"Self - Portrait with Clock"
"Time is a River Without Banks"
I loved the floating images and fanciful figures. It was interesting to see so many of his paintings together. I had an idea of what he was trying to say with his paintings.
There was a roomful of Jesus and the Crucifix paintings. The critics say he used the crucifix as a symbol for the persecuted people.
I really enjoyed walking around the city. I caught the 3 o'clock BXM1 bus to Riverdale.
We walked to the playground.
It's so good to be here.